How To Hack Marble Blast Gold Mac카테고리 없음 2021. 5. 8. 10:41
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Mar 18, 2016 Marble Blast Gold is very interesting and simple game. Play with your family, friends and anyone of any age. Try to roll your marble through a challenging landscape, without it falling! Hazardous game throughout 100 different levels. You can use five different enhancing powers to fight back these obstacles- the, SuperJump, SuperSpeed. This page contains Marble Blast Gold cheats list for PC version. Now we have 2 cheats in our list, which includes 1 glitch, 1 secret. We hope information that you'll find at this page help you in playing Marble Blast Gold on PC platform. If you didn't find needed cheats put request or ask question about this at special section of the game.
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Lattest - Marble Blast Gold – World Record Rampage 5 – Intermediate - tool, new addition to our website. This program has been tested for two weeks an it passed all beta and stress tests. Marble Blast Gold – World Record Rampage 5 – Intermediate has latest built in features and as a bonus we added some cool tricks that will be described in notes.txt file after installation.
Marble Blast Gold – World Record Rampage 5 – Intermediate has latest proxy and VPN support. Your IP address will be hidden from outside internet. 100% anonymity.
Marble Blast Gold – World Record Rampage 5 – Intermediate supports WINDOWS and MAC OS. as well some of the latest mobile platforms.Marble Blast Gold Demo
This tool is free from advertisement and hidden offers. No hidden agenda here, files are clean and easy to use. All out tools are open source.
Please follow instructions in file notes.txt after installation, there will be described all feature lists and how to use instruction.In case you encounter some errors, please CONTACT US. We provide FREE SUPPORT.
Enjoy!Download now
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---- --- --- ----After five years of hard work, the Marble Blast community is proud to present an achievement not seen in Marble Blast Gold for 11 years: a World Record Rampage which showcases all levels’ runs as World Records. All 100 of them!
Fair warning: this is also likely the last World Record Rampage for this game, and we will only do smaller updates depending on improvements.
This video showcases intermediate levels. A wild variety of new paths, tricks and tweaks are demonstrated as the pace is quickly picked up. Honestly, the sheer speed in this video alone is illegal.
Enjoy! (get the damn POPCORN bucket already and that extra supersized DRINK you love)
Additional Run Information:
– Almost all runs use the Framerate Unlocker, a tool for Windows and Mac that unlocks the game to use up to 1000fps (Windows, without this tool, is maxed out at 64fps).– Minimum allowed FPS is 30 and used in two runs (Space Slide and Freeway Crossing).
– Third decimal place is not shown in-game, but can be found using either prefs.cs or the in-game console command, echo(playgui.elapsedtime);
Third decimal place is a requirement for submissions.– All runs were recorded using the in-game recording tool. All 100 .rec files are available to download on SpeedDemosArchive (download will be made available once run is published over there).
– All techniques (except banned glitches such as Screenshot Glitch) that are used can be found at:
Beethoven Virus (Nightcore version by Zero.Miz-Kun) –
Note it is sped up compared to the original, which can be found atReptile (Mortal Kombat) by MegaShredd –
Laboratory by SIDNIFY – , free album download:
Timestamps, runners and path/tweak credits:
0:00 – Jump Jump Jump – Runner: IsraeliRD | Xelna
0:29 – Monster Speedway Qualifying – Runner: Kalle29 | Nockess, tweak by Kalle
0:49 – Skate Park – Runner: Xedron | IsraeliRD, tweaks by Regislian & Xedron & Xelna
1:17 – Ramp Matrix – Runner: Xedron | IBSOLOADED, tweaks by DKman00 & Xedron
1:37 – Hoops – Runner: Xelna | Xelna, tweak by dushine
1:52 – Go for the Green – Runner: Nature Freak | Xelna
2:01 – Fork in the Road – Runner: StewMan46 | Anyone with a brain
2:11 – Tri Twist – Runner: Xedron | IsraeliRD, tweaks by hPerks, Xedron, Nockess
2:37 – Marbletris – Runner: Xedron | Regislian
2:48 – Space Slide – Runner: DKman00 | Dushine
2:59 – Skee Ball Bonus – Runner: Regislian | Regislian
3:24 – Marble Playground – Runner: Xelna | Xelna
3:58 – Hop Skip and a Jump – Runner: Xelna | Kalle, natural bounce tweak by Kalle
4:12 – Take the High Road – Runner: Xedron | dushine, tweaks by Kalle and Regislian
4:24 – Half-Pipe – Runner: Xedron | Hoboman, tweaks by Xedron
4:38 – Gauntlet – Runner: Nature Freak | Xelna
4:52 – Moto-Marblecross – Runner: BlastedMarble | hPerks
5:20 – Shock Drop – Runner: DKman00 | N/A
5:30 – Spork in the Road – Runner: Xedron | Xelna, tweaks by hPerks & Xedron
6:06 – Great Divide – Runner: Xelna | Kalle
6:57 – The Wave – Runner: DKman00 | Tweak by Xelna, DKman00
7:09 – Tornado Alley – Runner: Nature Freak | N/A
7:17 – Monster Speedway – Runner: hPerks | hPerks
7:50 – Upward Spiral – Runner: Cobalt | Xelna & hPerksMarble Blast Gold – World Record Rampage 5 – Intermediate
How to install:
– Download, extract and run .exe file,
(If your antivirus blocking file, pause it or disable it for some time.)
– Choose destination folderHow to Use:
Open destination folder and locate file notes.txt, open it and read step by step.
Enjoy!Don’t forget to read instructions after installation.
Enjoy Marble Blast Gold – World Record Rampage 5 – Intermediate.All files are uploaded by users like you, we can’t guarantee that Marble Blast Gold – World Record Rampage 5 – Intermediate are up to date.
We are not responsible for any illegal actions you do with theses files. Download and use Marble Blast Gold – World Record Rampage 5 – Intermediate on your own responsibility.DemoOlder Mac OSMarble Blast Mac
12.6 MB19,610Marble Blast Gold is an arcade action game with simple yet addictive gameplay, suitable for players of any age. In the rich cartoon landscape of Marble Blast Gold, players will race their marbles through moving platforms, dangerous hazards, sparkling treasures and power up enhancements in an effort to complete each course in record time.
Marble Blast Gold introduces new players to the game with a set of progressively more difficult beginner training levels, each designed to showcase a power up or game hazard. The hazards players will face in Marble Blast include powerful fans, whirling tornados, land mines, pinball-style bumpers, narrow catwalks, moving pistons, dizzying chasms, and more.
To get past these obstacles, players can find and use five different ability enhancing power ups - the SuperSpeed, SuperJump, SuperBounce, Shock Absorber and Gyrocopter. Some levels contain gravity modifiers, which allow the player to change the direction of gravity.
Marble Blast Gold comes with 100 whimsical and challenging levels, as well as the ability for advanced players to craft and share their own levels. Each level has 'gold standard' set for the high score, so you can test your skills against the record gold times.
Marble Blast Gold is sure to provide many hours of fun for the whole family.
Beginner Levels- Are designed for learning how to play Marble Blast Gold. Here are some samples:
· Learning to Roll - Getting ready to roll takes some practice.
· Jump Training - Using the space bar to jump to the upper ramp.
· Air Movement - Spinning the marble in mid-air to guide your fall.
· Platform Training - Catching the platform to move between towers.
· Learn to SuperJump - Using the SuperJump powerup to the big leaps.
· Learn the SuperSpeed - Using SuperSpeed to get where you need to go.
· Gyrocopter - Teach your marble to fly!
· SuperBounce - Using the left mouse button to power up your SuperBounce.
· ShockAbsorber - Minimize your fall with the SuperAbsorber
· Gravity Helix - Fiddle with physics and roll your marble upside down.
· Bumper Training - Avoid them unless you enjoy being a first person pinball.
· Duct Fan Hazards - This level will blow you away, literally.
· Mine Field - Some times hitting a mine can be a Blast, but doesnt get high score.
· Tornado Bowl, Trapdoors & Pitfalls Oh my! - Did we mention falling off the platform is nearly unrecoverable?
Intermediate Levels The fun really takes off on these levels, here are just a few:
· Skate Park - You gotta skate for the gems.
· Fork in the Road - When you come to fork in the road take it.
· Marbletris - Collect all the gems in less than a minute.
· SkeetBall Bonus - Go through the highest opening for the largest time bonus.
· Gauntlet - Gives time trials a whole new meaning.
· The Wave - Surf the wave and collect all the gems in less than 45 seconds.
· Monster Speedway - Youll need to take a pit stop to finish the race.
· Upward Spiral - Follow the yellow brick road to the top.
Advanced Levels This is where you know if youre up to the Marble Blast challenge:
· A-Maze-ing - You may feel like a rat in a maze before you finish this level. The Gold edition provides 28 additional expert uber levels to test even the most skilled of players.
· Half Pipe Elite - Grab the gems as you do trick moves between the half-pipes.
· Eshers Race - Find the gems as quickly as you can.
· Skyscraper - Deliver all the gems to the top of the skyscraper.
· Tube Treasure - Totally tubular this level makes finding the gems fastest a pipe dream.
· To the Moon - You gotta shoot your way to the moon or at least to the landing pad..
· Around the World in 30 seconds - Not for those afraid of heights
· Will o Wisp - Dont make a miss step.
Gold Edition 28 advanced levels to challenge even expert players:
· Airwalk - Defy gravity as you manuver over a field of fans.
· Battlements - Make your way to the inner keep of the castle.
· Pinball Wizard - No arcade is complete without a game of pinball.
· King of the Mountain - You must pass a series of challenges to assend up the path to the peak.
· G4 Processor Recommended.
· 64 MB RAM.
· OpenGL Compatible 3D Graphics Accelerator.Marble Blast Gold Windows
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